On intermediate to small scales (large ), only geometrical aspects of
curvature affect the spectra.
Changes in the angular diameter distance to last scattering move features
in the low-
models to smaller angular scales (higher
) as
discussed in §III.
Since the low-
tail of the E-mode polarization is growing rapidly
, shifting the features to higher
results in smaller
large-angle polarization in an open model for both scalar and tensor
anisotropies. The suppression is larger in the case of scalars than tensors
since the low-
slope is steeper [1].
![]() |
Open universe modifications to the initial power spectrum are potentially
observable in the large angle CMB spectrum.
Unfortunately subtle differences in the temperature power spectrum can be
lost in cosmic variance.
While polarization provides extra information, in the absence of late
reionization the large-angle polarization is largely a projection of small
scale fluctuations.
Nonetheless in our universe (where reionization occured before redshift
) the large-angle polarization is sensitive to the primoridial
power spectrum at the curvature scale.
Thus if the fluctuations which gave rise to the large-scale structure and
CMB anisotropy in our universe were generated by an open inflationary scenario
based on bubble nucleation, a study of the large-angle polarization can in
principle teach us about the initial nucleation event [19].
In summary, we have completed the formalism for calculating and interpreting temperature and polarization anisotropies in linear theory from arbitary metric fluctuations in an FRW universe. The results presented here are new for non-flat vector and tensor (polarization) perturbations and we have calculated the scalar and tensor temperature and polarization contributions for open inflationary spectra. The open tensor perturbation equations have been added to CMBFAST which is now publically available.
Acknowledgments: We thank the Aspen Center for Physics where a portion of this work was completed. W.H was supported by the W.M. Keck Foundation and M.Z. by NASA Grant NAG5-2816.