A layman's introduction to the Cosmic Microwave Background circa 1996 before the discovery of the acoustic peaks and cosmic acceleration
Ringing in the New Cosmology: CMB acoustic peaks circa 2001 around the time of their discovery
A Scientific American article from 2004 updating the tutorials to the WMAP era
A pedagogical review of CMB polarization circa 1997 prior to its discovery by DASI
A review of CMB physics circa 2002 prior to the WMAP results
Gravitational lensing of CMB temperature and polarization anisotropy creates B-modes from E-modes. Quadratic combinations of CMB fields can be used to reconstruct the intervening mass distribution.
An animated look at how cosmological parameters change the CMB power spectrum
A brief history of CMB power spectrum measurements in the decade during which the acoustic peaks were discovered and ending with the WMAP1 data in 2003
An intermediate discussion of CMB physics circa 1996
First principles exposition circa 1995, PhD Thesis, UC Berkeley
Baryon acoustic oscillations and other effects in the matter power spectrum
Gravitational lensing by the large scale structure of the universe of faint galaxies allows a tomographic reconstruction of structure formation
Galaxy cluster counts test dark energy and modified gravity explanations of cosmic acceleration
Final reading projects from cosmology courses
Numerical projects from cosmology courses