

Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
University of Chicago

Group Contact CV SnapShots
CMB Introduction '96   Intermediate '01   Polarization Intro '01   Cosmic Symphony '04   Polarization Primer '97   Review '02   Power Animations   Lensing   Power Prehistory   Legacy Material '96   PhD Thesis '95 Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Cosmic Shear Clusters
Transfer Function
Intro to Cosmology [243] Cosmology I [legacy 321] Cosmology II [321] Current Topics [282] Galaxies and Universe [242] Radiative Processes [305] Research Preparation [307] GR Perturbation Theory [408] CMB [448] Cosmic Acceleration [449]


No.  Authors  Title / PDF  Reference 
245/227  R. Liu, W. Hu, H. Xiao Warm and Fuzzy Dark Matter: Free Streaming of Wave Dark Matter Phys. Rev. D (submitted) 2406.12970
244/226  I. Holst, W. Hu, L. Jenks Dark Matter Isocurvature from Curvature Phys. Rev. D (submitted) 2311.17164
243/225  J.M. Ezquiaga, W. Hu, R.K.L. Lo Identifying Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves through their Phase Consistency Phys. Rev. D (submitted) 2308.06616
242/224  D. Zegeye, T. Crawford, W. Hu Measuring mu-distortions from the Thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Phys. Rev. D (submitted) 2305.09882
241/223  K. Inomata, H. Lee, W. Hu Synchronizing the Consistency Relation JCAP (submitted) 2304.10559
240/222  M.X. Lin, E. McDonough, J.C. Hill, W. Hu Dark Matter Trigger for Early Dark Energy Coincidence Phys. Rev. D (submitted) 2212.08098
239/221  L.F. Secco, T. Karwal, W. Hu, E. Krause The Role of the Hubble Scale in the Weak Lensing vs. CMB Tension PRD (submitted) 2209.12997
238/220  J.M. Ezquiaga, W. Hu, M. Lagos, M.X. Lin, F. Xu Modified gravitational wave propagation with higher modes and its degeneracies with lensing JCAP 08 33 (2022) 2203.13252
237/219  S. Passaglia, W. Hu Accurate effective fluid approximation for ultralight axions Phys. Rev. D 105 123529 (2022) 2201.10238
236/218  E. McDonough, M.X. Lin, J.C. Hill, W. Hu, S. Zhou Early dark sector, the Hubble tension, and the swampland Phys. Rev. D 106 043525 (2022) 2112.09128
235/217  D. Zegeye, K. Inomata, W. Hu Spectral Distortion Anisotropy from Inflation for Primordial Black Holes Phys. Rev. D 105 103535 (2022) 2112.05190
234/216  K. Inomata, E. McDonough, W. Hu Amplification of primordial perturbations from the rise or fall of the inflaton JCAP 02 031 (2022) 2110.14641
233/215  J.M. Ezquiaga, W. Hu, M. Lagos, M.X. Lin Gravitational Wave Propagation beyond General Relativity: Waveform Distortions and Echoes JCAP 11 048 (2021) 2108.10872
232/214  S. Passaglia, W. Hu, A.J. Long, D. Zegeye The Secret Higgstory of the Highest Temperature during Reheating Phys. Rev. D 104 083540 (2021) 2108.00962
231/213  C. Heinrich, W. Hu Reionization Effective Likelihood from Planck 2018 Data Phys. Rev. D 104 063505 (2021) 2104.13998
230/212  K. Inomata, E. McDonough, W. Hu Primordial Black Holes Arise When the Inflaton Falls Phys. Rev. D 104 123553 (2021) 2104.03972
229/211  M.-X. Lin, W. Hu, M. Raveri Testing H0 in Acoustic Dark Energy with Planck and ACT Polarization Phys. Rev. D 102 123523 (2020) 2009.08974
228/210  J.M. Ezquiaga, D.E. Holz, W. Hu, M. Lagos, R.M. Wald Phase Effects from Strong Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves Phys. Rev. D 103 064047 (2021) 2008.12814
227/209  J.M. Ezquiaga, W. Hu, M. Lagos Apparent Superluminality of Lensed Gravitational Waves Phys. Rev. D 102 023531 (2020) 2005.10702
226/208  W.L.K. Wu, P. Motloch, W. Hu, M. Raveri Hubble Constant Tension between CMB lensing and BAO measurements Phys. Rev. D 102 023510 (2020) 2004.10207
225/207  G. Benevento, W. Hu, M. Raveri Can Late Dark Energy Transitions Raise the Hubble Constant Phys. Rev. D 101 103517 (2020) 2002.11707
224/206  H. Motohashi, W. Hu Effective Field Theory of Degenerate Higher-Order Inflation Phys. Rev. D 101 083531 (2020) 2002.07967
223/205  P. Motloch, W. Hu Lensing-like Tensions in the Planck Lensing Release Phys. Rev. D 101 0083515 (2020) 1912.06601
222/204  M. Raveri, G. Zacharegkas, W. Hu Quantifying Concordance of Correlated Cosmological Data Sets Phys. Rev. D 101 103527 (2020) 1912.04880
221/203  S. Passaglia, W. Hu, H. Motohashi Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter through Higgs Criticality Phys. Rev. D101 123523 (2020) 1912.02682
220/202  M. Lagos, M.X. Lin, W. Hu Curvature Perturbations in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation Phys. Rev D100 123507 (2019) 1908.08785
219/201  M.-X. Lin, G. Benevento, W. Hu, M. Raveri Acoustic Dark Energy: Potential Conversion of the Hubble Tension Phys. Rev. D 100 063542 (2019) 1905.12618
218/200  P. Li, S. Dodelson, W. Hu Distortions in the Surface of Last Scattering Phys. Rev. D 100 043502 (2019) 1905.03923
217/199  M. Raveri, W. Hu, S. Sethi Swampland Conjectures and Late-Time Cosmology Phys. Rev. D 99 083518 (2019) 1812.10448
216/198  S. Passaglia, W. Hu, M. Motohashi Primordial Black Holes and Local Non-Gaussianity in Canonical Inflation Phys. Rev. D 99 043536 (2019) 1812.08243
215/197  P. Motloch, W. Hu Lensing Covariance on Cut Sky and SPT-Planck Lensing Tensions Phys. Rev. D 99 023506 (2019) 1810.09347
214/196  M.-X. Lin, M. Raveri, W. Hu Phenomenology of Modified Gravity at Recombination Phys. Rev. D 99 043514 (2019) 1810.02333
213/195  M. Raveri, W. Hu Concordance and Discordance in Cosmology Phys. Rev. D 99 043506 (2019) 1806.04649
212/194  S. Passaglia, W. Hu Scalar Bispectrum Beyond Slow-Roll in the Unified EFT of Inflation Phys. Rev. D 98 023526 (2018) 1804.07741
211/193  P. Motloch, W. Hu Tensions between direct measurements of the lens power spectrum from Planck data Phys. Rev. D 97 103536 (2018) 1803.01858
210/192  G. Obied, C. Dvorkin, C. Heinrich, W. Hu, V. Miranda Inflationary vs Reionization Features from Planck 2015 Data Phys. Rev. D 98 043518 (2018) 1803.01858
209/191  H. Ramirez, S. Passaglia, H. Motohashi, W. Hu, O. Mena Reconciling tensor and scalar observables in G-inflation JCAP 04 039 (2018) 1802.04290
208/190  C. Heinrich, W. Hu Does Planck 2015 polarization favor high redshift reionization? Phys. Rev. D 98 063514 (2018) 1802.00791
207/189  A.J. Long, M. Raveri, W. Hu, S. Dodelson Neutrino Mass Priors for Cosmology from Random Matrices Phys. Rev. D 97 043510 (2018) 1711.08434
206/188  C.-T. Chiang, W. Hu, Y. Li, M. LoVerde Scale-dependent bias and bispectrum in neutrino separate universe simulations Phys. Rev. D. 97 123526 (2018) 1710.01310
205/187  M. Raveri, W. Hu, T. Hoffman, L.-T. Wang Partially Acoustic Dark Matter Cosmology and Cosmological Constraints Phys. Rev. D 96 103501 (2017) 1709.04877
204/186  P. Motloch, W. Hu Lens Covariance Effects on Likelihood Analyses of CMB Power Spectra Phys. Rev. D 96 103517 (2017) 1709.03599
203/185  G. Obied, C. Dvorkin, C. Heinrich, W. Hu, V. Miranda Inflationary Features and Shifts in Cosmological Parameters from Planck 2015 Data Phys. Rev. D 96 083526 (2017) 1706.09412
202/184  H. Motohashi, W. Hu Primordial Black Holes and Slow Roll Violation Phys. Rev. D 96 063503 (2017) 1706.06784
201/183  H. Motohashi, W. Hu Generalized Slow Roll in the Unified EFT of Inflation Phys. Rev. D 96 023502 (2017) 1704.01128
200/182  P. Motloch, W. Hu, A. Benoit-Levy CMB Lens Sample Covariance and Consistency Relations Phys. Rev. D 95 043518 (2017) 1612.05637
199/181  W. Hu, A. Joyce Separate Universes beyond General Relativity Phys. Rev. D 95 043529 (2017) 1612.02454
198/180  V. Miranda, A. Lidz, C.H.. Henrich, W. Hu Signatures of Metal-Free Star Formation in Planck 2015 Polarization Data MNRAS 467 4050 (2017) 1610.00691
197/179  C.H. Heinrich, V. Miranda, W. Hu Complete Reionization Constraints from Planck 2015 Polarization Phys. Rev. D 95 023513 (2017) 1609.04788
196/178  C-T. Chiang, Y. Li, W. Hu, M. LoVerde Quintessential Scale Dependence from Separate Universe Simulations Phys. Rev. D 94 123502 (2016) 1609.01701
195/177  C.H. Heinrich, D. Grin, W. Hu Lensing Bias to CMB Measurements of Compensated Isocurvature Perturbations Phys. Rev. D 94 043534 (2016) 1605.08439
194/176  W. Hu, C-T. Chiang, Y. Li, M. LoVerde Separating the Universe into the Real and Fake Phys. Rev. D 94 023002 (2016) 1605.01412
193/175  P. Gratia, W. Hu, A. Joyce, R.H. Ribeiro Double Screening JCAP 06 033 (2016) 1604.00395
192/174  P. Motloch, W. Hu, H. Motohashi Self-accelerating Massive Gravity: Hidden Constraints and Characteristics Phys. Rev. D 92 0442024 (2015) 1603.03423
191/173  Y. Li, W. Hu, M. Takada Separate Universe Consistency Relation and Calibration of Halo Bias Phys. Rev. D 93 063507 (2016) 1511.01454
190/172  V. Miranda, W. Hu, C. He, H. Motohashi Nonlinear Excitations in Inflationary Power Spectra Phys. Rev. D 93 023504 (2016) 1510.07580
189/171  P. Motloch, W. Hu, A. Joyce, H. Motohashi Self-accelerating Massive Gravity: Superluminality, Cauchy Surfaces and Strong Coupling Phys. Rev. D 92 044024 (2015) 1505.03518
188/170  C. He, D. Grin, W. Hu Compensated Isocurvature Perturbations in the Curvaton Model Phys. Rev. D 92 063018 (2015) 1505.00639
187/169  H. Motohashi, W. Hu Running from Features: Optimized Evaluation of Inflationary Power Spectra Phys. Rev. D 92 043501 (2015) 1503.04810
186/168  V. Miranda, W. Hu, C. Dvorkin Polarization Predictions for Inflationary CMB Power Spectrum Features Phys. Rev. D 91 063514 (2014) 1411.5956
185/167  P. Motloch, W. Hu Self-Accelerating Massive Gravity: Covariant Perturbation Theory Phys. Rev. D 90 104027 (2014) 1409.2204
184/166  H. Motohashi, W. Hu Stability of cosmological solutions in extended quasidilaton massive gravity Phys. Rev. D 90 104008 (2014) 1408.4813
183/165  Y. Li, W. Hu, M. Takada Super-Sample Signal Phys. Rev. D 90 103530 (2014) 1408.1081
182/164  W. Hu Generalized Slow Roll for Tensors Phys. Rev. D 89 123503 (2014) 1405.2020
181/163  C. Dvorkin, M. Wyman, D.H. Rudd, W. Hu Neutrinos help reconcile Planck measurements with both Early and Local Universe Phys. Rev. D 90 083503 (2014) 1403.8049
180/162  V. Miranda, W. Hu, P. Adshead Steps to Reconcile Inflationary Tensor and Scalar Spectra Phys. Rev. D 89 101302 (2014) 1403.5231
179/161  P. Adshead, W. Hu Bounds on Non-Adiabatic Evolution in Single-Field Inflation Phys. Rev. D89 083531 (2014) 1402.1677
178/160  A. Manzotti, W. Hu, A. Benoit-Levy Super-Sample CMB Lensing Phys. Rev. D 90 023003 (2014) 1401.7992
176/159  Y. Li, W. Hu, M. Takada Super-Sample Covariance in Simulations Phys. Rev. D 89 083519 (2014) 1401.0385
175/158  V. Miranda, W. Hu Inflationary Steps in the Planck Data Phys. Rev. D 89083529 (2014) 1312.0946
174/157  P. Gratia, W. Hu, M. Wyman Self-accelerating Massive Gravity: Bimetric Determinant Singularity Phys. Rev. D 89 027502 (2014) 1309.5947
173/156  M. Wyman, D.H. Rudd, R.A. Vanderveld, W. Hu nuLCDM: Neutrinos reconcile Planck with the Local Universe Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 051302 (2014) 1307.7715
172/155  P. Gratia, W. Hu, M. Wyman Self-accelerating Massive Gravity: How Zweibeins Walk Through Determinant Singularities Class. Quantum Grav. 30 184007 (2013) 1305.2916
171/154  E. Jennings, Y. Li, W. Hu The Abundance of Voids and the Excursion Set Formalism MNRAS 434 2167 (2013) 1304.6087
170/153  P. Adshead, W. Hu, V. Miranda Bispectrum in Single-Field Inflation Beyond Slow-Roll Phys. Rev. D 88 023507 (2013) 1303.7004
169/152  M. Takada, W. Hu Power Spectrum Super-Sample Covariance Phys. Rev. D 87 123504 (2013) 1302.6994
168/151  R. A. Vanderveld, W. Hu Neutrino physics from future weak lensing surveys Phys. Rev. D 87 063510 (2013) 1212.3608
167/150  A. V. Belikov, W. Hu Equivalence Principle Violation in Weakly Vainshtein-Screened Systems Phys. Rev. D 87 084042 (2013) 1212.0831
166/149  M. Wyman, W. Hu, P. Gratia Self-accelerating Massive Gravity: Time for Field Fluctuations Phys. Rev. D 87 084046 (2013) 1211.4576
165/148  T. Hiramatsu, W. Hu, K. Koyama, F. Schmidt Equivalence Principle Violation in Vainshtein Screened Two-Body Systems Phys. Rev. D 87 063525 (2013) 1209.3364
164/147  V. Miranda, W. Hu, P. Adshead Warp Features in DBI Inflation Phys. Rev. D 86 063529 (2012) 1207.2186
163/146  P. Gratia, W. Hu, M. Wyman Self-accelerating Massive Gravity: Exact Solutions for Any Isotropic Matter Distribution Phys. Rev. D. 86 061504 (2012; rapid communications) 1205.4241
162/145  A. Benoit-Levy, K.M. Smith, W. Hu Non-Gaussian Structure of the Lensed CMB Power Spectra Covariance Matrix Phys. Rev. D 86 123008 (2012) 1205.0474
161/144  A. Upadhye, W. Hu, J. Khoury Quantum Stability of Chameleon Field Theories Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 041301 (2012) 1204.3906
160/143  R.A. Vanderveld, M.J. Mortonson, W. Hu, T. Eifler Testing Dark Energy Paradigms with Weak Gravitational Lensing Phys. Rev. D 85 103518 (2012) 1203.3195
159/142  P. Adshead, W. Hu Fast Computation of First-Order Feature-Bispectrum Corrections Phys. Rev. D 85 103531 (2012) 1203.0012
158/141  P. Adshead, C. Dvorkin, W. Hu, E. A. Lim Non-Gaussianity from Step Features in the Inflationary Potential Phys. Rev. D 85 023531 (2012) 1110.3050
157/140  C. Dvorkin, M. Wyman, W. Hu Cosmic String constraints from WMAP and SPT Phys. Rev. D 84 123519 (2011) 1109.4947
156/139  H. Gil-Marin, F. Schmidt, W. Hu, R. Jimenez, L. Verde The Bispectrum of f(R) Cosmologies JCAP 11 019 (2011) 1109.2115
155/138  Y. Li, W. Hu Chameleon Halo Modeling in f(R) Gravity Phys. Rev. D 84 084033 1107.5120
154/137  C. Dvorkin, W. Hu Complete WMAP Constraints on Bandlimited Inflationary Features Phys. Rev. D 84 063515 (2011) 1106.4016
153/136  W. Hu Generalized Slow Roll for Non-Canonical Kinetic Terms Phys. Rev. D 84 027303 (2011) 1104.4500
152/135  P. Adshead, W. Hu, C. Dvorkin, H.V. Peiris Fast Computation of Bispectrum Features with Generalized Slow Roll Phys. Rev. D 84 043519 (2011) 1102.3435
151/134  S. Ferraro, F. Schmidt, W. Hu Cluster Abundance in f(R) Gravity Models Phys. Rev. D 83 063503 (2011) 1011.0992
150/133  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu, D. Huterer Simultaneous Falsification of LCDM and Quintessence with Massive Distant Clusters Phys. Rev. D 83 023015 (2011) 1011.0004
149/132  S. S. Seahra, W. Hu Analytic Description of DGP Perturbations on All Scales Phys. Rev. D 82 124015 (2010) 1007.4242
148/131  C. Dvorkin, W. Hu CMB Constraints on Principal Components of the Inflaton Potential Phys. Rev. D 82 043513 (2010) 1007.0215
147/130  M. J. Mortonson, D. Huterer, W. Hu Figures of merit for present and future dark energy probes Phys. Rev. D 82 063004 (2010) 1004.0236
146/129  L. Lombriser, A. Slosar, U. Seljak, W. Hu Constraints on f(R) gravity from probing the large-scale structure Phys. Rev. D 85 124038 (2012) 1003.3009
145/128  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu Observational Limits on Patchy Reionization: Implications for B-modes Phys. Rev. D 81 067302 (2010) 1001.4803
144/127  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu, D. Huterer Testable Dark Energy Predictions from Current Data Phys. Rev. D 81 063007 (2010) 0912.3816
143/126  F. Schmidt, W. Hu, M. Lima Spherical Collapse and the Halo Model in Braneworld Gravity Phys. Rev. D 81 063005 (2010) 0911.5178
142/125  C. Dvorkin, W. Hu Generalized Slow Roll for Large Power Spectrum Features Phys. Rev. D 81 023518 (2010) 0910.2237
141/124  F. Schmidt, A. Vikhlinin, W. Hu Cluster Constraints on f(R) Gravity Phys. Rev. D 80 083505 (2009) 0908.2457
140/123  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu, D. Huterer Hiding Dark Energy Transitions at Low Redshift Phys. Rev. D 80 067301 (2009) 0908.1408
139/122  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu Evidence for Horizon-Scale Power from CMB Polarization Phys. Rev. D 80 027301 (2009) 0906.3016
138/--  W. Hu Acceleration from Modified Gravity: Lessons from Worked Examples Nuc. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 194 230 (2009) 0906.2024
137/121  A. Upadhye, W. Hu The Existence of Relativistic Stars in f(R) Gravity Phys. Rev. D 80 064002 0905.4055
136/120  L. Lombriser, W. Hu, W. Fang, U. Seljak Cosmological Constraints on DGP Braneworld Gravity with Brane Tension Phys. Rev. D 80 063536 0905.1112
135/119  M.J.Mortonson, C. Dvorkin, H. V. Peiris, W. Hu Things that Go Bump in the CMB Polarization: features from Inflation vs. Reionization Phys. Rev. D 79 103519 (2009) 0903.4920
134/118  C. Dvorkin, W. Hu, K. M. Smith B-mode CMB Polarization from Patchy Screening during Reionization Phys. Rev. D 79 107302 (2009) 0902.4413
133/117  F. Schmidt, M.V. Lima, H. Oyaizu, W. Hu Non-linear Evolution of f(R) Cosmologies III: Halo Statistics Phys. Rev. D 79 083518 (2009) 0812.0545
132/116  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu, D. Huterer Falsifying Paradigms for Cosmic Acceleration Phys. Rev. D 79 023004 (2009) 0810.1744
131/115  W. Fang, W. Hu, A. Lewis Crossing the Phantom Divide with Parameterized Post-Friedmann Dark Energy Phys. Rev. D 78 087303 (2008) 0808.3125
130/114  W. Fang et al. Challenges to the DGP Model from Horizon-Scale Growth and Geometry Phys. Rev. D 78 103509 (2008) 0808.2208
129/113  H. Oyaizu, M. Lima, W. Hu Non-linear evolution of f(R) cosmologies II: power spectrum Phys. Rev. D 78 123524 (2008) 0807.2462
128/112  M.J. Mortonson, W. Hu Reionization Constraints from Five-Year WMAP Data Astrophys. J. Lett. 686 L53 (2008) 0804.2631
127/--   W. Hu Lecture Notes on CMB Theory: From Nucleosynthesis to Recombination XIX Canary Island Winter School 0802.3688
126/111  W. Hu Parametrized Post-Friedmann Signatures of Acceleration in the CMB Phys. Rev. D 77 103524 (2008) 0801.2433
125/110  C. Dvorkin, H. V. Peiris, W. Hu Testable Polarization Predictions for Models of CMB Isotropy Anomalies Phys. Rev. D 77 063008 (2008) 0711.2321
124/109  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu Impact of Reionization on CMB Polarization Tests of Slow-Roll Inflation Phys. Rev. D 77 043506 (2008) 0710.4162
123/108  A.R. Zentner, D.H. Rudd, W. Hu Self Calibration of Tomographic Weak Lensing for the Physics of Baryons to Constrain Dark Energy Phys. Rev. D 77 043507 (2008) 0709.4029
122/107  M. Lima, W. Hu Photometric Redshift Requirements for Self-Calibration of Cluster Dark Energy Studies Phys. Rev. D 76 123013 (2007) 0709.2871
121/106  W. Hu, D.E. Holz, C. Vale CMB Cluster Lensing: Cosmography with the Longest Lever Arm Phys. Rev. D 76 127301 (2007) 0708.4391
120/105  W. Hu, I. Sawicki A Parameterized Post-Friedmann Framework for Modified Gravity Phys. Rev. D 76 104043 (2007) 0708.1190
119/104  Y.S. Song, H. Peiris, W. Hu Cosmological Constraints on f(R) Acceleration Models Phys. Rev. D 76 063517 (2007) 0706.2399
118/103  W. Hu, I. Sawicki Models of f(R) Cosmic Acceleration that Evade Solar-System Tests Phys. Rev. D 76 064004 (2007) 0705.1158
117/102  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu Model-Independent Constraints on Reonization from Large-Scale CMB Polarization Astrophys. J 672 737 (2008) 0705.1132
116/101  I. Sawicki, W. Hu Stability of Cosmological Solutions in f(R) Models of Gravity Phys. Rev. D 75 127502 (2007) astro-ph/0702278
115/100  W. Hu, S. DeDeo, C. Vale Cluster Mass Estimators from CMB Temperature and Polarization Lensing New J. of Phys. 9 441 2007 astro-ph/0701276
114/99  Y.S. Song, W. Hu, I. Sawicki The Large Scale Structure of f(R) Gravity Phys. Rev. D 75 044004 (2007) astro-ph/0610532
113/98  A. Albrecht et al. Report of the Dark Energy Task Force AAAC/HEPAP astro-ph/0609591
112/98  M. J. Mortonson, W. Hu The Maximum B-mode Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background from Inhomogeneous Reionization Astrophys. J 657 1 (2007) astro-ph/0607652
111/97  W. Hu, D. Huterer, K. M. Smith Supernovae, Lensed CMB and Dark Energy Astrophys. J. Lett. 650 L13 (2006) astro-ph/0607316
110/96  K. M. Smith, W. Hu, M. Kaplinghat Cosmological Information from Lensed CMB Power Spectra Phys. Rev. D 74 123002 (2006) astro-ph/0607315
109/95  Y.S. Song, I. Sawicki, W. Hu Large Scale Tests of the DGP Model Phys. Rev. D 75 064003 (2007) astro-ph/0606286
108/94  I. Sawicki, Y.S. Song, W. Hu Near-Horizon Solution for DGP Perturbations Phys. Rev. D 75 064002 (2007) astro-ph/0606285
107/93  W. Hu, J. D. Cohn Likelihood Methods for Cluster Dark Energy Surveys Phys. Rev. D 73 067301 (2006) astro-ph/0602147
106/92  X. Wang, W. Hu Redshift Space 21cm Power Spectra from Reionization Astrophys. J 643 585 (2006) astro-ph/0511141
105/91  C. Gordon, W. Hu, D. Huterer, T. Crawford Spontaneous Isotropy Breaking: A Mechanism for CMB Multipole Alignments Phys. Rev. D 72 103002 (2005) astro-ph/0509301
104/90  Y. S. Song, W. Hu Constraints on Supernovae Dimming from Photon-Pseudo Scalar Coupling Phys. Rev. D 73 023003 (2006) astro-ph/0508002
103/89  Z.Ma, W.Hu, D.Huterer Effects of Photometric Redshift Uncertainties on Weak Lensing Tomography Astrophys. J. 636 21 (2005) astro-ph/0506614
102/88  S.Wang, Z.Haiman, W.Hu, J.Khoury, M.May Weighing Neutrinos with Galaxy Cluster Surveys Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 011302 (2005) astro-ph/0505390
101/87  K.Kadota, S.Dodelson, W.Hu, E.D.Stewart Precision of Inflaton Potential Reconstruction from CMB Using the General Slow-Roll Approximation Phys. Rev. D 72 023510 (2005) astro-ph/0505158
100/86  M.Lima, W.Hu Self-Calibration of Cluster Dark Energy Studies: Observable-Mass Distribution Phys. Rev. D 72 043006 (2005) astro-ph/0503363
99/85  D.Giannakis, W.Hu Challenges for Kinetic Unified Dark Matter Phys. Rev. D 72 063502 (2005) astro-ph/0501423
98/84  W.Hu Crossing the Phantom Divide: Dark Energy Internal Degrees of Freedom Phys. Rev. D 71 047301 (2005) astro-ph/0410680
97/83  W.Hu, R.Scranton Measuring Dark Energy Clustering with CMB-Galaxy Correlations Phys. Rev. D 70 123002 (2004) astro-ph/0408456
96/--  W.Hu Dark Energy Probes in Light of the CMB ASPCS 339 215 (2005) astro-ph/0407158
95/82  C.Gordon, W.Hu A Low CMB Quadrupole from Dark Energy Isocurvature Perturbations Phys. Rev. D 70 083003 (2004) astro-ph/0406496
94/81  K.M.Smith, W.Hu, M.Kaplinghat Weak Lensing of the CMB: Sampling Errors on B-modes Phys. Rev. D 70 043002 (2004) astro-ph/0402442
93/--  W.Hu Covariant Linear Perturbation Formalism ICTP Summer School (G. Dvali et al. eds, ICTP Trieste 2003) p. 149 astro-ph/0402060
92/80  M.Lima, W.Hu Self-Calibration of Cluster Dark Energy Studies: Counts in Cells Phys. Rev. D 70 043504 (2004) astro-ph/0401559
91/79  W.Hu, M.White The Cosmic Symphony Sci. Am. 290N2 44 (2004)
90/78  W.Hu, B.Jain Joint Galaxy-Lensing Observables and the Dark Energy Phys. Rev. D 70 043009 (2004) astro-ph/0312395
89/77  M. Bowden et al. Scientific Optimization of a Ground-Based CMB Polarization Experiment Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 349 321 (2004) astro-ph/0309610
88/76  W.Hu, T.Okamoto Principal Power of the CMB Phys. Rev. D 69 043004 (2004) astro-ph/0308049
87/75  W.Hu, Z.Haiman Redshifting Rings of Power Phys. Rev. D 68 063004 (2003) astro-ph/0306053
86/74  W.Hu, G.P.Holder Model-Independent Reionization Observables in the CMB Phys. Rev. D 68 023001 (2003) astro-ph/0303400
85/73  W.Hu Self-Consistency and Calibration of Cluster Number Count Surveys for Dark Energy Phys. Rev. D 67 081304 (2003) astro-ph/0301416
84/72  T. Okamoto, W.Hu CMB Lensing Reconstruction on the Full Sky Phys. Rev. D 67 083002 (2003) astro-ph/0301031
83/71  W.Hu CMB Temperture and Polarization Anisotropy Fundamentals (high res.) Annals of Physics 303 203 (2003) astro-ph/0210696
82/70  W.Hu, M.M.Hedman, M.Zaldarriaga Benchmark Parameters for CMB Polarization Experiments Phys. Rev. D 67 043004 (2003) astro-ph/0210096
81/69  W.Hu Dark Energy and Matter Evolution from Lensing Tomography Phys. Rev. D 66 083515 (2003) astro-ph/0208093
80/68  T.Okamoto, W.Hu The Angular Trispectra of CMB Temperature and Polarization Phys. Rev. D 66 063008 (2003) astro-ph/0206155
79/67  W.Hu, C.R.Keeton Three-Dimensional Mapping of the Dark Matter Phys. Rev. D 66 063506 (2003) astro-ph/0205412
78/66  W.Hu, A.V.Kravtsov Sample Variance Considerations for Cluster Surveys Astrophys. J. 584 702 (2003) astro-ph/0203169
77/65  A.Cooray, W.Hu Second Order Corrections to Weak Lensing by Large-Scale Structure Astrophys. J. 574 19 (2002) astro-ph/0202411
76/64  W.Hu, T.Okamoto Mass Reconstruction with CMB Polarization Astrophys. J. 574 566 (2002) astro-ph/0111606
75/63  W.Hu,S.Dodelson Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies (pub. vers.) Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 40 171 (2002) astro-ph/0110414
74/62  W.Hu Dark Synergy: Gravitational Lensing and the CMB Phys. Rev. D 65 023003 (2002) astro-ph/0108090
73/61  W.Hu Mapping the Dark Matter through the CMB Damping Tail Astrophys. J. Lett. 557 L79 (2001) astro-ph/0105424
72/60  W.Hu The Angular Trispectrum of the CMB Phys. Rev. D. 64 083005 (2001) astro-ph/0105117
71/59  A.R.Cooray, W.Hu, D.Huterrer, M.Joffre Measuring Angular Diameter Distances Through Halo Clustering Astrophys. J. Lett. 557 L7 (2001) astro-ph/0105061
70/--  W.Hu Physics of CMB Anisotropies (2001)  Warner Prize Lecture Jan. 2001 AAS Meeting (San Diego)
69/58  A.R.Cooray, W.Hu Power Spectrum Covariance of Weak Gravitational Lensing  Astrophys. J. 554 56 (2001) astro-ph/0012087
68/57  W.Hu, M.White Power Spectra Estimation for Weak Lensing  Astrophys. J. 554 67 (2001) astro-ph/0010352
67/56  W.Hu, A.R.Cooray Gravitational Time Delay Effects on CMB Anisotropies  Phys. Rev. D. 63 023504 (2001) astro-ph/0008001
66/55  W.Hu, M.Fukugita, M.Zaldarriaga, M.Tegmark CMB Observables and Their Cosmological Implications  Astrophys. J. 549 669 (2001) astro-ph/0006436
65/54  P.J.E. Peebles, S.Seager, W.Hu Delayed Recombination  Astrophys. J. Lett. 539 L1 (2000) astro-ph/0004389
64/53  W.Hu Ringing in the New Cosmology  Nature 404 939 (News and Views on BOOMERanG) 
63/52  A.R.Cooray, W.Hu Weak Gravitational Lensing Bispectrum  Astrophys. J 548 7 (2001) astro-ph/0004151
62/51  W.Hu, R.Barkana, A.Gruzinov Cold and Fuzzy Dark Matter  Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 1158 (2000) astro-ph/0003365
61/50  A.R.Cooray, W.Hu, J.Miralda-Escude Weak Lensing by Large-Scale Structure: A Dark Matter Halo Approach  Astrophys. J. 535 L9 (2000) astro-ph/0003205
60/-- W.Hu CMB Anisotropies: A Decadal Survey Invited Review for Birth and Evolution of the Universe RESCEU 1999 astro-ph/0002520
59/49  A.R.Cooray, W.Hu, M.Tegmark Large-Scale Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect: Measuring Statistical Properties with Multifrequency Maps Astrophys. J. 540 1 (2000) astro-ph/0002238
58/48  W.Hu Weak Lensing of the CMB: A Harmonic Approach Phys. Rev. D. 62 043007 (2000) astro-ph/0001303
57/47  A.R.Cooray, W.Hu Imprint of Reionization on the Cosmic Microwave Background Bispectrum  Astrophys. J. 534 533 (2000) astro-ph/9910397
56/46  W.Hu, P.J.E.Peebles A Model for Structure Formation seeded by Gravitationally Produced Matter  Astrophys. J. Lett. 528 61 (2000) astro-ph/9910222
55/45  M.White,W.Hu A New Algorithm for Computing Statistics of Weak Lensing by Large-Scale Structure  Astrophys. J. 537 1 (2000) astro-ph/9909165
54/44  W.Hu Reionization Revisited: Secondary CMB Anisotropies and Polarization  Astrophys. J. 529 12 (2000) astro-ph/9907103
53/--  W.Hu CMB Episode II: Theory or Reality?  invited talk for ISOSII
52/43  M.Tegmark, D.J.Eisenstein, W.Hu, Oliviera Costa Foregrounds and Forecasts for the Cosmic Microwave Background  Astrophys. J. 530 133 (2000) astro-ph/9905257
51/42  W.Hu Power Spectrum Tomography with Weak Lensing  Astrophys. J. Lett. 522 21 (1999) astro-ph/9904153
50/41  R.A.C.Croft, W.Hu, R. Dave Cosmological Limits on the Neutrino Mass from the Lya Forest  Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 1092 (1999) astro-ph/9903335
49/--  W.Hu Probing the Dark Side of Structure Formation  invited talk for Omega Workshop, Pucon, Chile a.k.a. the job talk
48/40  W.Hu, M.Tegmark Weak Lensing: Prospects for Cosmological Parameter Measurements  Astrophys. J. Lett. 514 65 (1999) astro-ph/9811168
47/39  W.Hu, D.J.Eisenstein The Structure of Structure Formation Theories  Phys. Rev. D. 59 083509 (1999) astro-ph/9809368
46/38  W.Hu An Isocurvature Mechanism for Structure Formation  Phys. Rev. D. 59 021301 (1998; rapid communications) astro-ph/9809142
45/37  D.J.Eisenstein, W.Hu, M. Tegmark Cosmic Complementarity: Joint Parameter Estimation from CMB Experiments and Redshift Surveys  Astrophys. J. 518 2 (1999) astro-ph/9807130
44/36  W.Hu, D.J.Eisenstein, M.Tegmark, M.White Observationally Determining the Properties of Dark Matter  Phys. Rev. D. 59 023512 (1999) astro-ph/9806362
43/35  D.J.Eisenstein, W.Hu, M.Tegmark Cosmic Complementarity: H0 and Omegam from Combining CMB Experiments and Redshift Surveys  Astrophys. J. Lett. 504 L57 (1998) astro-ph/9805239
42/34  M.Tegmark, D.J.Eisenstein, W.Hu, R.Kron Probing the Acceleration of the Universe  astro-ph/9805117
41/--  W.Hu Toward Observationally Determining the Nature of the Missing Energy  Fermilab Workshop on The Missing Energy in the Universe
40/--  M.Tegmark, D.J.Eisenstein, W.Hu Cosmic Complementarity: Combining CMB and Supernova Observations  Proceedings of the XXXIIIrd Moriond Meeting, Fundamental Parameters in Cosmology, ed. J. Tran Thanh Van, Y. Giraud-Heraud, F. Bouchet, T. Damour, Y. Mellier (Edition Frontieres 1998) astro-ph/9804168
39/33  A.Gruzinov, W.Hu Secondary CMB Anisotropies in a Universe Reionized in Patches  Astrophys. J. 508 435 (1998) astro-ph/9803188
38/32  W.Hu Structure Formation with Generalized Dark Matter  Astrophys. J. 506 485 (1998) astro-ph/9801234
37/31  W.Hu, D.J.Eisenstein, M.Tegmark Weighing Neutrinos with Galaxy Surveys  Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 5255 (1998) astro-ph/9712057
36/30  D.J.Eisenstein, W.Hu, J.Silk, A.S.Szalay Can Baryonic Features Produce the Observed 100h-1 Mpc Clustering  Astrophys. J. Lett 494 1 (1998) astro-ph/9710303
35/29 D.J.Eisenstein, W.Hu Power Spectra for Cold Dark Matter and Its Variants  Astrophys. J. 511 5 (1999) astro-ph/9710252
34/28  W.Hu, D.J.Eisenstein Small Scale Perturbations in a General MDM Cosmology  Astrophys. J. 498 497 (1998) astro-ph/9710216
33/27 D.J.Eisenstein, W.Hu Baryonic Features in the Matter Transfer Function  Astrophys. J. 496 605 (1998) astro-ph/9709112
32/26  W.Hu, U.Seljak, M.White, M.Zaldarriaga A Complete Treatment of CMB Anisotropies in a FRW Universe Phys. Rev. D 57 3290 (1998) astro-ph/9709066
31/--  W.Hu An Introduction to the CMB IAS Trustees Meeting (Fall 1996) 
30/25 W.Hu, M.White A CMB Polarization Primer New Astronomy 2 323 (1997) astro-ph/9706147
29/24 W.Hu, M.White CMB Anisotropies: Total Angular Momentum Method Phys. Rev. D 56 596 (1997) astro-ph/9702170
28/23  W.Hu, M.White Tensor Anisotropies in an Open Universe Astrophys. J. Lett. 486 L1 (1997) astro-ph/9701210
27/22  M.White, W.Hu The Sachs-Wolfe Effect Astron. & Astrophys. 321 8 (1997) astro-ph/9609105
26/21 W.Hu, M.White The Damping Tail of CMB Anisotropies Astrophys. J. 479 568 (1997) astro-ph/9609079
25/--  W.Hu, M.White Measuring the Curvature of the Universe Proceedings of the XXXIth Moriond Meeting, Microwave Background Anisotropies, ed. F.R. Bouchet, R. Gispert, B. Guiderdoni, J.T.T. Van, Editions Frontieres (Singapore 1997) p. 333. astro-ph/9606140
24/--  M.White, W.Hu Testing Inflation with Small Scale CMB Anisotropies Proceedings of the XXXIth Moriond Meeting, Microwave Background Anisotropies, ed. F.R. Bouchet, R. Gispert, B. Guiderdoni, J.T.T. Van, Editions Frontieres (Singapore 1997) p. 339. astro-ph/9606138
23/20  W.Hu, D.N.Spergel, M.White Distinguishing Causal Seeds from Inflation Phys. Rev. D 51 3288 (1997) astro-ph/9605193
22/19  W.Hu, N.Sugiyama, J.Silk The Physics of CMB Anisotropies Nature 386 37-43 (1997) astro-ph/9604166
21/18  W.Hu, M.White A New Test of Inflation Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1687 (1996) astro-ph/9602020
20/17 W.Hu, M.White Acoustic Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background Astrophys. J. 471 30 (1996) astro-ph/9602019
19/16 W.Hu, N.Sugiyama Small Scale Cosmological Perturbations: An Analytic Approach Astrophys. J. 471 542 (1996) astro-ph/9510117
18/-- W.Hu Concepts in CMB Anisotropy Formation The Universe at High-z, LSS & the CMB (eds. E. Martinez-Gonzalez, J.L. Sanz, Springer Verlag, 1996) p. 207 astro-ph/9511130
17/-- W.Hu Wandering in the Background: A CMB Explorer PhD Thesis, UC Berkeley (1995) astro-ph/9508126
16/15 W.Hu, M.White CMB Anisotropies in the Weak Coupling Limit Astron. & Astrophys. 315 33 (1996) astro-ph/9507060
15/14  W.Hu, D.Scott, N.Sugiyama, M.White The Effect of Physical Assumptions on the Calculation of Microwave Background Anisotropies Phys. Rev. D 52, 5498 (1995) astro-ph/9505043
14/13  W.Hu, E.Bunn, N.Sugiyama COBE Constraints on Isocurvature Baryon Models Astrophys. J. Lett. 447, L59 (1995) astro-ph/9501034
13/12  W.Hu, N.Sugiyama Toward Understanding CMB Anisotropies and Their Implications Phys. Rev. D 51, 2599 (1995) astro-ph/9411008
12/11  W.Hu, N.Sugiyama Anisotropies in the CMB: An Analytic Approach Astrophys. J. 444 , 489 (1995) astro-ph/9407093
11/--  W.Hu The Nature vs. Nurture of Anisotropies  CMB Anisotropies Two Years after COBE: Observations, Theory, and the Future ed. L.M. Krauss, p. 188. astro-ph/9406071
10/10  W.Hu, N.Sugiyama Thermal History Constraints on the Isocurvature Baryon Model Astrophys. J. 436, 456 (1994) astro-ph/9403031
9/9  M.Tegmark, E.Bunn, W.Hu Power Spectrum Independent Constraints on Cosmological Models Astrophys. J. 431, 1 (1994) astro-ph/9311053
8/8  W.Hu, N.Sugiyama Small Scale Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect  Phys. Rev. D 50, 627 (1994) astro-ph/9310046
7/7  W.Hu, D.Scott, J.Silk Power Spectrum Constraints from Spectral Distortions in the CMB Astrophys. J. Lett. 430, L5 (1994) astro-ph/9402045
6/6  W.Hu, D.Scott, J.Silk Reionization and CMB Distortions: A Complete Treatment of Second Order Compton Scattering Phys. Rev. D 49, 648 (1994) astro-ph/9305038
5/5  W.Hu, J.Silk Thermalization and Spectral Distortions of the CBR Phys. Rev. D 48, 485 (1994) 
4/4  W.Hu, J.Silk Thermalization Constraints and Spectral Distortions for Massive Unstable Relic Particles Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2661 (1993) 
3/3  K.Griest, W.Hu Effect of Binary Sources on the Search for MACHOS via Microlensing Astrophys. J. 397, 362 (1992) 
2/2  W.Hu, R.W.Romani, D.R.Stinebring Refractive Interstellar Scintillation and Millisecond Pulsar Timing Astrophys. J. Lett. 366, L33 (1991) 
1/1  W.Hu The Curious Quantum Mechanics of Pre- and Post-Selected Ensembles Foundations of Physics 20, 447 (1990)