Driver and fitting routines for converting halo mass definitions from one spherical overdensity to another assuming an NFW density profile
Inputs: original mass M&Delta and overdensity &Delta and concentration c=r&Delta /rs and the desired target overdensity &Deltanew. Overdensity may be with respect to mean or critical so long as the target definition is defined in the same way. If c < 0, a Bullock et al default in a ΛCDM cosmology with &sigma8=0.8, and the mass is assumed to be virial mass in h-1Ms. (1/14/11: I/O swap between inputing the old vs new concentration fixed pointed out by Yin Li)
Outputs: MΔnew mass at the target overdensity &Deltanew
[1] ''Sample Variance Considerations for Cluster Surveys,'' Hu & Kravtsov (2003) ApJ, 584, 702, astro-ph/0203169