Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
University of Chicago
Cosmic Acceleration
Astro 449
MF 1:30-2:50 ERC 583
This course will be co-taught by Zhen Hou and is composed of 2 parts. The first half will be lecture based with the goal of estabilishing a common denominator on expansion history, growth tests of cosmic acceleration and alternatives
to the cosmological constant. The second half
will be more research or reading course based.
Requirement for this course is a final project to be presented in class.
Prerequisite for the course is graduate level cosmology.
Possible lecture topics
D(z) and the discovery of cosmic accleration
CMB and the high redshift anchor
Gravitational lensing
Dark matter halos and their abundance
Galaxy clusters
Baryon acoustic oscillations
Cosmological constant
Scalar field models
Modified gravity
Zhen Hou's Lectures
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Installing Codes
Lectures 3-8
Growth of Structure Lectures
Linear growth of structure
Nonlinear growth of structure
Austin Joyce's Theory Lectures
Cosmological Constant Problem