This course will introduce topics of current interest in Cosmic Microwave
Background research: acoustic peaks in the primary anisotropy power spectrum,
CMB polarization, and secondary anisotropy due to the large-scale
structure in the universe.
Lecture Notes (updated 4/10 for with a stat mech supplement)
Cosmic Microwave Background Review
Helper reference on FRW cosmology
Problem sets: This is 60% of your grade
Final projects: Oral
Component: in class 1/2 lecture hour presentations and
Written component: a write up of the presentation
OR a web page with graphics. This is 40% of your
PS#1 Due April 7
PS#2 Due April 14
PS#3 Due April 21
PS#4 Due April 28
PS#5 Due May 5
PS#6 Due May 26 (Final problem set)
Week 1: -- Overview
Week 2: -- FRW Cosmology
Week 3: -- Acoustic Kinematics
Week 4: -- Acoustic Dynamics
Week 5: -- Polarization
Week 6: -- Boltzmann codes
Week 7: -- Secondary Anisotropy
Week Last: -- May 26, 31 Class Presentations