Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
University of Chicago
Recent CMB experiments have revealed sound waves
in the fine angular scale structure of the temperature anisotropies.
Sound waves can be used to probe the infant universe
as a kind of cosmic ultrasound
The era of precision cosmology has begun
Temperature Maps
Maps represent the spherical sky or Earth on a plane
The CMB temperature on the sky is remarkably
At the level of 1 part in 1000, the CMB temperature
varies because of our motion with
respect to it.
COBE showed that the CMB temperature varied at a
level of 1 part in 100,000
Variations are consistent with begin the quantum
noise from inflation that formed structure
through gravitational instability
The power
spectrum characterizes the size of the fluctuations
as a function of angular scale
COBE meaured only the
largest angular scales in the power spectrum
At smaller angular scales, features
are expected in the power spectrum
Current generation of experiments measure the fine
scale structure of the CMB temperature maps
Explosion of new data in recent years have ushered
in the age of precision cosmology
Features have been measured
in the power spectrum
Thermal History
Objects seem to receed
as the universe expands
Wavelength of CMB photons
stretches withthe expansion
Temperature of the CMB
drops with the
Photons get hotter
as one goes backwards in time.
At 3000K, CMB photons ionize
Above this temperature, the universe was a photon-baryon
(proton) plasma
Thomson scattering couples photons
to electrons
Electromagnetic interactions couple electrons
to baryons
The plasma behaves as a nearly
perfect fluid
Photons provide radiation
Pressure opposes
the squeezing or compression
of the fluid
Resulting oscillations are called sound
Tightly-coupled photon-baryon
Compression results in acoustic oscillations or sound
Acoustic Oscillations
Gravity tries to compress
the fluid in potential wells.
Photon pressure
resulting in acoustic
System is equivalent to a
mass on a spring falling under gravity
Quantum fluctuations from
the early universe generates both density
enhancements and deficits
Potential hills
appear in regions of deficit;
in regions of enhancement.
Compression in the wells
corresponds to rarefaction in
the hills
Pattern of sound imprinted
in the temperature
of CMB
Compressed regions hotter
Rarefied regions
Potential fluctuations on all
Each mode oscillates
Modes that are half
as long oscillate
twice as fast
Oscillations are frozen
in at recombination
Modes caught at extrema
of their oscillation represent peaks
? characteristic scales with enhanced temperature fluctuations
The wavenumbers (or spatial frequency) of the peaks
are harmonically
related to the fundamental scale ? the distance sound can travel by recombination
Angular Peaks
Acoustic oscillations cause a spatial
variation in the CMB temperature that oscillates
in time.
An observer right around recombination will see an
essenentially isotropic CMB
(same temperature in all directions)
Standing wave acoustic
Modes caught in extrema
of their oscillations have enhanced temperature variations
Phase of the oscillation
in at recombination
Rapid change from fluid behavior to streaming
As time progresses, radiation from more distant regions
reach us.
Spatial temperature variations are viewed as angular
variations of an increasingly fine angular
Harmonic peaks in angular
wavenumber (or multipole)
First Peak
First peak precisely
Decade long series of experimental efforts localized
Boomerang and Maxima experiments measured shape
in 2000
Shape and position are in
beautiful agreement with predictions from
cosmological models
Position of peaks mainly sensitive to curvature
Shapes fixed by the physical
density of matter and baryons
Missing or "dark energy"
plays a small roll in the position of peaks
First peak position consistent with flat
Precision currently limited by uncertainties in the
constant through the physical density of the
dark matter
Main ambiguity will be removed by measuring
higher peaks.
CMB indicates the total
energy density is close to critical
(flat universe)
Many observations indicate that the dark
matter energy density is sub-critical
Dark energy is required
to make these statements consistent
Amount of dark energy is consistent with that needed
to explain distant supernovae
First peak shows the
universe is close to spatially flat
Second Peak
Second peak is essentially
incontrovertable evidence of inflationary
sound waves
As of May 2001,
the first detections
of the
second peak have been reported by the DASI, Boomerang and Maxima experiments
Baryons load down the
photon-baryon oscillations
Compression in potential
wells enhanced
over rarefactions
Asymmetric oscillations due to baryons enhance compressional
phase inside wells
Amplitude of odd peaks
enhanced over even
Power spectrum shows baryons enhance every
other peak.
Second peak is suppressed compared
with the first and third
Additional effects on the peak position and damping
yield consistency checks
Second peak is observed
to be substantially lower
than first peak
Dark baryons of at least
the big-bang nucleosynethesis density required
First peak shows the
universe is close to spatially flat
peak indicate substantial amounts of dark
consistent with nucleosynthesis inferences
Higher Peaks
Radiation dominates
the universe early
Pressure support in the radiation causes the gravitational
The decay occurs at exactly the right time to
drive the amplitude of the oscillations up
The higher peaks
began their oscillation in the radiation dominated universe and have an
Raising the dark matter density reduces the overall amplitude
of the peaks.
Lowering the dark matter density eliminates the baryon
loading effect so that a high third peak is an indication of dark matter.
With three peaks,
its effects are distinct from the baryons
Measuring the dark matter density resolves
the main ambiguity
in the curvature
First peak shows the
universe is close to spatially flat
Constraints on the second
peak indicate substantial amounts of dark
Third peak will measure
the physical density of the dark matter
Damping Tail
CMB photons bounce around
(random walk
through) the baryons during recombination
For fluctuations with a short wavelength, hot
and cold photons
The acoustic peaks
are exponentially damped
on scales smaller than the distance photons random walk during recombination
The damping scale
provides another standard ruler
for the curvature
The physical scale of the damping depends on the
density through the mean
free path
And the matter density
through the time available
for the photons to random walk.
Raising the baryon density
the damping tail to higher multipoles
Raising the matter density
shifts the damping tail to lower multipoles
Consistency checks from the damping tail will verify
or falsify our assumptions about recombination
and initial conditions.
First peak shows the
universe is close to spatially flat
Constraints on the second
peak indicate substantial amounts of dark
Third peak will measure
the physical density of the dark matter
Damping tail will provide
consistency checks of underlying assumptions
Precision of parameter estimation depends on instrumental
noise, resolution,
and sample variance
CMB anisotropies are sensitive to a host
of cosmological parameters
Precision of parameter estimation also depends on
External information, CMB polarization,
and secondary anisotropies
can break degeneracies
Thomson scattering polarizes
light much as reflection
of f of a surface
A quadrupole
temperature anisotropy generates linear polarization
A quadrupole anisotropy
is generated by the diffusion of photons
The polarized fraction
of the anisotropy is <10%
since diffusion of photons only begins to take place near the end
of recombination
The coherence scale
of the polarization is related to the diffusion
Large-scale fluctuations
in the polarization are absent
Polarization power peaks
near the diffusion scale
Amplitude is at the 1 part per million level (micro
Large scale polarization
at the 1 part per 10 million level (tenth of micro Kelvin) is generated
by rescattering during reionization
Quadrupole anisotropies are associated with density,
wave fluctuations
Their projection determines the polarization
pattern and may be distinguished by symmetry
Polarization patterns separate geometrically into
and B modes
B-modes possess a handedness
Gravitational waves
generate B-modes; density fluctuations do not
Gravitational waves show
a power spectrum with both E and B mode
Limits on the gravitational wave contribution to
the temperature anisotropy imply B-modes < a
few tenths of a μK.
Gravitational waves probe the
physics of inflation but will require a thorough
understanding of foregrounds and secondary effects for their detection.